Sunday, June 27, 2010

June Babies

The latest additions to our family have reached a year old. Our little fur babies have given us unconditional love and a boat load of laughs. Thomasina and Jasper really have made themselves at home. We couldn't be happier with our kitties.

Thomasina remains a bit shy around loud noises and strangers, but when the house is calm, she plays with her brother and seeks a cuddle. She likes to nestle and kneed my hair as if I was her Mommy's belly.
She is the softest and sweetest little girl and gets the award for prettiest kitty.

Jasper is an extrovert. He would win best personality. I swear, he can speak with his eyes and gestures making his wishes very apparent. He loves to watch, listen and sniff out the window. He is a dog-like kitty. He will come when called and roll over to get a belly rub.

Jasper and Daddy are true buds.

Jasper is very patient with Zac, who still is trying to treat his cat like a dog.

The girls here cuddling and snuggling.

Jasper really cracks me up....he is sitting like a human in the chair, just chillin'.

Here's 'Jazzy pants' sleeping with the kid on the top bunk. He loves to perch in high spots, so the kid on the top bunk benefits.

Such contentment...... it's addicting......

I think they are happy with their adopted humans, don't you?

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