Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Life Lesson

The kids tested for their tiger belt in Karate today. That would be a striped yellow/orange belt. The kids are really enjoying Karate. They go to Elite Freestyle Karate; the school motto is 'Arm Yourself With Life skills'. Last week we took them to the school's 'Black belt Extravaganza'. This kids got to see the brown belts test to earn their black belts. It was only a fraction of what these kids had to do to be awarded their black belts, but it did teach my kids what it meant to go to Karate and what attaining the goal of Black belt meant. Zac was wide eyed when their instructors did a wood breaking demonstration. Both Jac and Zac are motivated to take the challenge of earning a black belt.

This week's Karate lesson was conflict resolution. The kids learn how to deal with bullies. The students are taught to find a solution using their words. After Karate, we were driving through our town. The kids noticed some peace demonstrators standing at roadside with signs to stop the war and waving peace flags. Jackie asked what those people were doing. We recognized a friend of Mimi and Papa's we affectionately have nicknamed 'Big Bob'.

It was a perfect teaching opportunity. I explained to my kids that those citizens were free to voice their feelings that the war should be stopped. I reminded them that our country was fighting a war in Iraq and our young soldiers were in Iraq putting themselves in danger's way because the leaders of our country ordered them to be in Iraq to 'solve a conflict' I explained that war was the worst fight ever and that people get killed with guns and weapons. I explained that in Iraq there were people who were innocent and peaceful and there were also terrorists causing lots of trouble and hurting people all around the world, the worst bullies imaginable. I said that some people in America feel that our soldiers should be in Iraq to control those bullies. That is what our soldiers are doing, but they get hurt and killed doing so. Other Americans, like 'Big Bob' feel we should try to solve the conflict with actions of peace, use of words, so we don't kill our precious soldiers. I said that our country has to make a difficult decision how to solve this conflict happening between the mean troublemakers and people who follow some rules of peace.

I knew they understood what I was saying because then they pointed out some of the bullies in their class don't follow the rules and get into trouble and can be bad. Wow, these kids are smart, they get it. I would never have had that serendipitous opportunity had it not been for the lesson of the week at karate and then seeing some peace demonstrators. Elite Freestyle Karate, you ARE arming my children with life skills….Thank you! I will end with saying, I love that my kids are going to Karate. Next visit at EFK, I hope to get a picture of the kids at Karate with the leaders that are showing them such valuable life lessons.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Greetings Winter

Remember what I said about it not feeling like winter or Christmas for that matter, nevermind, forget what I said. Three days later, a snow storm, a Christmas mystery ride revealed, winter has arrived. Last night, we surprised the kids with a mystery ride to a Polar Express ride on the Essex Steam Train in Conneticut. The first snow of the season was bonus. We listened to the high school superbowl on the radio, the Reading Rockets defeated Natick for the state championship.
Here we are waiting for the Polar Express. The train station had imagination stations for the kids to play at and a toy train display to view.

The announcement was made that we were heading to the North Pole and Santa would be making his round on the train.

We were invited to join the Ferrone family car. Our friends and neighbors from Long Island had reserved an entire car of the train for their own clan. Here is Lisa and Scott, our next door neighbors from our Long Island days gone by. They have a 5 year old son named Tyler.

Coloring books were handed out and Jackie decided to color a picture for Santa.

Santa arrived, and to his surprise Jackie gave him a picture.

"For me?" he said.

He graciously thanked Jac and Zac for the thoughtful gifts and tucked them into his boots for safe keeping. I think Jackie and Zac remain on his nice list.

Here's Scott and Tyler visiting with the Boston 'cousins'.

We sang Carols lead by Santa's helpers, enjoyed the bells given by Santa and had hot chocolate while viewing the lights and snow out the window.

Mrs. Claus came for a visit and we thanked her for the hot chocolate and cookies she made.

The snow was welcomed by all kids, there were many tongues catching the flakes.

Waking to a bright sunny day and freshly fallen snow cover is a delight.

New Englanders know how to embrace winter. As I snuck away to do kid-free grocery duty, I took a little detour to get some fresh air and enjoy the scenes of first snowfall. As I drove through a nearby state park, I saw lots of dog walkers, some mountain bikers on the trails and other photographers excited about the first snow.

Ok, back to getting the groceries......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Farewell To Fall

With Thanksgiving behind us, the pumpkins and Autumn wreath have been replaced with Christmas decorations. The holiday season is in full momentum. Today's weather started with a driving rain, only to clear into a sunny windy day with record temperatures hitting a high of 68 degrees in Boston. We have only had a few frigid days so far. It doesn't feel like December never mind Christmas, but we have carols playing on the radio, the holiday push commercials and empty bank accounts to remind us we are to be merry and bright. I had little time to slow down to enjoy my most favorite time of the year, now it's gone! This fall was busy. The kids after school activities were swim, soccer, and karate. We all came down with swine flu right at Halloween while having west coast visitors here for a visit. I was sick for 3 weeks with a bonus of pneumonia and an ear infection. I've recovered just in time for the hustle and bustle of the holiday errands and duties. I haven't played with the camera as much as I would like this fall, but here is a tidbit of our fall happenings.

Our good family friend, Sheila, knit these sweaters for the kids. I promised I would send her some photos of the kids modeling the sweaters. Beautiful sweaters, beautiful kids (if I do say so myself).

Jac-n-Zac trick or treating at our next door neighbors home with their pal Lucy.

Here they are saying hello to our other next door neighbor, Richard.

Here is Dale Earnhardt Jr and Kitty. We were all sick on Halloween. I couldn't say no to trick or treating....the kids wouldn't have that! Grampsy and cousin Bryon had come a long way to watch the kids trick or treat. Ahh, the dilemmas of parenting. Needless to say, I didn't make much of an effort to get that perfect Halloween shot.

Here is team Charge. It was Zac and Jac's first year playing soccer.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

Here's a little something about Zac. Ever since Kindergarten, Zac has grown fond of a classmate named Anna. They are buddies. Here is Anna with my two on the last day of Kindergarten. Zac says that Anna is his best friend. Lucky for Zac, Anna is in his first grade class too. He came home from school one day saying that a fellow classmate told him he couldn't have a best friend that was a girl. I assured him that his best friend could be anyone that he chooses. Funny thing is, Jackie is coming home from school and often speaking of a boy she likes to play with named Jared. She likes to run races with him during recess and says he's the fastest in her class. It makes sense that they would be drawn to a friend of the opposite sex since they have always related to a sibling of the opposite sex.
Zac has made presents for Anna; pictures, letters, a bracelet. He thinks of her a lot and looks forward to seeing her each and every day at school. He speaks of sitting next to her at lunch and is happy to sit next to her in class. Recently, he made the sweetest picture for her. I had to take a photo of this picture because he did it all by himself and it sure portrays how he feels . It's hard to see, but Zac drew a face of himself and Anna, both with big smiles and drew hearts all around the two.

Isn't that the cutest creation ever? Anna's mom assures me it is posted on the refrigerator at their house. Anna, you are one lucky girl! Zac would walk to the end of the earth for you!

Another Milestone Makes Memory Lane

If I had known how quickly Jackie would pick up bike riding without training wheels, I would have put some time aside a long time ago to coach her. It took three tries at the park matched with the sense of adventure and determination from the rider and voila! When it comes to multiples, any milestone is a huge effort. Imagine potty training two kids at the same time or having both simultaneously going through the terrible two's, or having your kids learn how free it feels to run (in different directions) at the same time. My head bows to parents of triplets, quads, and so on. The thought of running along side a pair of novice bikers sounded exhausting, neither Chuck or I jumped at the task. On the other hand, I felt guilty that they were six and I hadn't even made an effort to show them the way. The first try was early in the summer. Jackie seemed very ready and not afraid. One try for Zac and he conveyed 'NO WAY'. Zac tends to be cautious with new motor skills. Dad demonstrated little patience for the job. So, the past two Sundays, Jackie and I went off to the park to give it a whirl. It was manageable with a singleton! In fact, we had lots of fun in the process! The pride and joy reminded me of the thrill I felt when she took her first steps. Shame on me for procrastinating! I realized that these moments will be fewer and fewer as they grow. Zac's competitive side has him envious of Jackie's accomplishment. He is now motivated to learn. I am excited to take this journey with him and will be sure to add his experiences to the blog.
I'm so proud of you Jackie!

Way to go!

You go girl!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Got Kitties?

We did! They arrived september 20th a month after I went to pick them out. We've been thinking of getting the kids two cats for some time now. After a summer of searching for the right match, Thomasina and Jasper came into our lives. They are two kittens from separate litters that were living in the same foster home. They are about 12 weeks in these photos taken on the day they arrived. The kids were going to name the kittens Max and Ruby, but we waited for weeks before they could be released to home that ultimately the kids got used to their foster names and decided the names would stay. Now their nicknames are Jaz and Tomgirl.

This is Thomasina. She was a bit shy on the first day in our house. She needed to hide under the armoire for a few hours to acclimate. Now she is nothing but a sweet love. She likes to be up in your neck for nuzzles. She is a petite little lady, very gentle and cuddly. She has the softest fur and loudest purr.

This is Jasper. He is a curious little cat. He had no difficulty adjusting to our household. When I went to choose two kittens, he actually chose me. He's a bold outgoing cat who has been nicknamed king kat, glutton, and piggy. He likes to push Tomgirl away from her dish and eat her food. He likes to play hard. He isn't afraid of new people who come into the house. He climbs on anything, and thinks he's entitled to hop on the dinner table during meals. He's a good boy, he's been obedient to the rules laid before far. These pictures show his angelic side!

Jacquelyn has a way with the kittens. She's like a little cat whisperer, posessing a natural understanding of how a kitty likes to be handled. She is patient, gentle and motherly. She won the heart of timid Thomasina. Jackie will look after her food so Piggy doesn't eat it all on TomTom. They sleep with her every night since she is on the bottom bunk.

Zac is learning how to 'speak cat'. It's hard for a squirmy boy who doesn't know how to sit still to get a cat to stay with him. He'll figure it out. These new members of the family will show him the way.

I can't say enough good things about the non-profit organization called Pets In Need. I found them online. It's a shelterless outfit of volunteers fostering unwanted pets. The people there are so dedicated to finding forever homes for the animals that come to them. Thank you Shelly for your kindness!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jackie lost her tooth!

On September 3, the second say of first grade, Jackie lost her first tooth! She beamed with pride! She put it in a box to show her Daddy when he got home from his business trip. He came home a few days later and she was ready to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy delivered $5.00! Now a new tooth is coming in and two more teeth are loose. Zac is a bit envious of all the fuss. He will have a ways to wait before a tooth is lost as he shows no signs of his 6 year molars popping out yet. Jackie has had all 4 adult molars for some time now. Look at that beautiful smile.