Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just Do It

I'm practicing what I preach. Now look where it has taken me! Here is the beginning of marking my story, a place to ponder my everyday existence. I became inspired by a blogger I met at an online photography course, named Shae. On a whim, here I am jumping into the world of blogging. I've visited a few blogs here and there, but it never occurred to me to start my own. Then I had a light bulb moment as I visited Shae's blog, why not start my own? Voila! At the very least, it'll be a place for me to showcase my creative side and hopefully see it grow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey..................great job! I'm so proud of you! You did it!!!!!! :)
    I'll be your first official stalker...tee hee!!!
