It's hard to believe my babes are in second grade. They remain in separate classes. Both are looking forward to returning to school. This year, Zachary is placed with Mrs. Payack and Jacquelyn is placed with Ms. Mustone. Zac is happy to be in class with his pal Tyler and Jacquelyn is pleased to be in class with Rebekeh. They will continue to take karate and swim lessons all school year. Jacquelyn is interested in trying out gymnastics. We have joined the YMCA so other intermurals will be fun to try. Mimi and Papa will continue to take care of the kids on Wednesdays. They keep the kids busy with trips to the library, walks to the playground, museum trips and Boston excursions. We anticipate the need for a friday babysitter as I continue working at 3 days/week and Chuck can no longer swing being home for the kids school release time. He's too busy at work. He has moved to a new store again. This was a welcomed change. He now manages the Fresh Pond Cambridge store. He is an expert at adjusting to constant change. Frankly, I don't know how he does it with such ease.
As the school year begins, I have hopes and aspirations for my children. I hope they continue to enjoy school and learning. I hope they grow in the areas where they lack confidence. For Jackie, this is reading. For Zac, this is making friends. I hope I can be the wind beneath their wings and help them be happy second graders. I feel a pang of anxiety for them, starting up a new year with new challenges. They seem to be taking it all in stride, so I guess I should to.
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