For over a year, Jackie has wanted to cut her hair short. I wouldn't consider it when she was 6. We had just finished growing out her bangs, and I was looking forward ponytails, braids and hair bows. The only problem was, Jackie wasn't. She and I struggled with the combing and hair tidying routines. Every morning I was faced with lies about combing her hair, which resulted in me having to comb her hair, leading to tears and ending with absolutely no ponytails and hair bows. She liked her hair long, but wouldn't maintain it appropriately. She also liked bob style cuts on others, especially her first grade teacher. After persistence in knowing what she wanted, I eventually gave in. After all, when I was 9, I cut my long mane for a Dorothy Hammel hairstyle. I showed her the old photos of my hair long and then short to assure she was ready for a drastic change. Her response was, " You looked like a boy, I'm not getting
that cut!" So, one day we were in Macdonalds and saw a cute style on a 9 year old girl. I asked the mom where her daughter got her cut and we got a referral. The next week my girl was transformed. Dispite her Mom, Dad, Brother, and Mimi trying to convince her otherwise, she happily chopped the locks.

The day before the cut, Jackie allowed me to braid her hair.

Before photos.

Her hair stylist is Jen at Embellish.

The transformation took almost an hour and Jackie was dying to get out of the chair. Zac was a behaved boy waiting. I remember me praising him for his good behavior. He asked me, 'Can I play the Wii when we get home?' I said yes....then he reminded me he had owed me punishment and all screens were taken away from him that day. The women in the salon were amazed with his honesty and felt I should lift his punsishment, so I did.

Jackie being a bit shy with all the fuss and attention...and just wanting OUT OF THAT CHAIR!

First thing we did was go to Mimi and Papa's to show off the new look.

The consensus is the style makes her look so much older....and a bit of pang is felt with letting go of a little girl look achieved with ponies and braids.

Jackie is thrilled with the freedom of less fuss.
About 8 inches were cut.

I must admit, my little 7 year old girl made a really good decision and is showing no regrets....for now. The cut is very flattering and much easier! No more tears!!

So, here's the de ja vous before: Here I am on the right at age 7, with my pal Dori. after: Here I am styling my 'just-out-of-the-salon' Dorothy Hammel cut around age 9 with my pal Lori. It certainly didn't look like that Jackie was right I did look like a boy. But it was fitting as I was in my tomboy stage anyway!
Now that Jackie has worn her new cut for a month or so and we all have embraced it, she is telling me she wants to grow her hair out. LOL!!! I will end by saying, "A girl is going to be a girl!"
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